Saturday, March 31, 2007
Update 03.31.07
Friday, March 30, 2007
Paper Art Friday - Dan McPharlin
We all know how difficult it is to do regular sized papercrafts and even harder with the smaller ones, well our first talented artist has no problems with that whatsoever, Dan McPharlin (ILLUSTRATOR/PAPERCRAFTER) and his hand-made cardboard miniatures are just magnificent - synthesizers and keyboards the size of an Ipod Shuffle and no bigger than your fist, due to Dan's amazing craftsmanship and exquisite detailing he has earned's first Paper Art Friday featured artist spot, so go check it out.

Dan McPharlin [web site] [flickr page] [blogger site]
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Final Fantasy IX - Vivi papercraft

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Disgaea - Prinny Papercraft

From the PS2's tactical role-playing games Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, here's a papercraft model of Prinny - the pouch-wearing blue penguin with disproportionately small bat wings and two peg legs for feet. The game was released by Nippon Ichi Soft. around 2003. These small little creatures where usually under Etna's control and they explode when thrown at a target. They also follow a ranking system, which starts at Private Prinny, then Captain, General, King, God, and finally Uber Prinny. Papercraft model is in a PDF format and thanks to Kei Kusanagi for the pattern.
Prinny - [Download]
Photo Page - [Flickr]
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
In Love With The Riot
Accidentally found this video and thought I'd share it with you guys, it has papercrafts on it so I guess that counts as relevant, I like the papercrafts and the music is up beat. The only thing I could find about this group is that their called "Bring Me The Fucking Riot...Man", yes that's the name of the group and their a Swedish punk band. So if you like this sort of music, Rock On!
BMTFR Official Site? []
Friday, March 23, 2007
Pyramid Head
About 3 years ago I made my first paper model. it was Metal Gear Rex that was given at some game show for the promotion of the twin snake. after that I started searching for more video game papercraft but I wasnt always able to find what I wanted so I though to myself "if it dont exist do it yourself". And that is how I started creating my own models.
For my first post I bring you Pyramid Head papercraft model from the game Silent Hill 2
The template can be found on my website as well as most of my other templates.
Due to bandwith problems I had to make a rapidshare link. I got no donations yet to help me pay for an unlimited bandwith host.
This rapidshare contain my whole collection of templates.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Origami Basics
The basic folds/creases underlying all origami projects are very simple. The two major creases and their symbols (sometimes the symbols differ, but the diagram should tell you if they aren’t using the “standard” notation) are:
2.)Mountain Fold (fold the paper so there is a “mountain” along the crease): --..--..--..—
-->[3 Pureland style models to try out, and a flash video of how to fold a Pureland Dracula. Also, click the “Smith’s Models” link on John’s site (link above) to get even more diagrams (including non-pureland models). Yay!]<--
P.S. Is anyone interested in seeing more Kirigami on here? It’s been an age since I’ve done any, but if there’s interest, I’ll try to chuck in some posts about that too. :)
Typical Intro Stuff
Hey everyone – my name is Jane, and I hail from the lovely state of Oregon. Ron has invited me to join the Paperkraft blog so I can share some of my paper skills with you reader types. :) Sorry for the late introduction – it figures that I’d be called out of town for work as soon as I agreed to contribute to a blog!
1.) Batboxes; 2.) Star of Peace; 3.)Unit Origami Ball; 4.)Kusudama Ball; 5.)Tentaclops Readymech
Thanks again to Ron for having me on the blog – feel free to drop me a comment if you have any questions! :)
Monday, March 19, 2007
Puma/AC-30 Papercraft

Today we've got the Puma/Ac-30 papercraft model designed by Nick Hayes, it's pretty simple and straightforward so beginners wouldn't have any problems with this one. Gitaroo-Man, was a game developed by Koei and produced in very low quantity for Sony's PlayStation 2 that garnered good reviews with limited sales, but attracted a loyal fanbase and somehow became a "cult video game". The story revolves around U-1 and his talking dog Puma, their alter-egos being Gitaroo-Man and AC-30 respectively. AC-30(Puma) was responsible for teaching U-1 about battling and throws the Gitaroo guitar to him when a challenge is presented. Nuff' said.
Puma/AC-30 Gitaroo Man Papercraft - [via Mediafire]
Puma /AC-30 Photos - [Flickr]
TechBrew/FeedBurner Contest
Friday, March 16, 2007

You've got the Moogle, the Cactuar, Bahamut, and now here's another Final Fantasy papercraft model that you can add to your collection, the Tarutaru is from Square Enix's MMORPG - Final Fantasy XI:Online which was set on the fictional world of Vana'diel. The Tarutaru are a race of skilled mages who live alongside the Mithra in Windurst, having a racial prejudice towards magical studies, they have a higher reserve of magical power (MP) and excels at Black/White/Red Magic and the art of summoning. The only downside to their abilities as with other traditional spellcrafters is their lack of durability (HP) and strength which makes them extremely vulnerable to physical attacks.
Tarutaru Pics - []
Tarutaru - Download
Bahamut - Download
Cactuar - Download
Moogle - Download
Monday, March 12, 2007
Paper Transformed

Paper Transformed []
chess photo []
Cat Box

This is a cute and simple papercraft project made by Henk Stolker. Best printed on stiff paper or thin cardboard. The pdf file is available in colour or black and white which makes it great for kids craft to be used in schools or at home. It takes only a few minutes to assemble this cat box. It's about 4.5" in height.

Henk Stolker's website >>
Coloured PDF file (215 kb) >>
Black and White PDF file (88 kb)>>
I'd just like to say hi to everyone and thanks to Ron for allowing me to contribute in PaperKraft.Net . I hope that everyone would like the paper models that I post up :)
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Disney's Stitch - Experiment 626

Stitch - Download
Stitch Photos - Flickr
Monday, March 5, 2007

Fold Me Now [Village Voice]
Pornogami Gallery [Village Voice]
Marc Kirschenbaum [Web Site]
iPhone - Available Now?

Attention Suckers: Fake iPhone For Sale! [Wired News: Cult of Mac]
iPhone Papercraft model []
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Update 03.01.07
Re-uploaded paper model files: