In the older posts, i introduced you about the city where i lived, Yogyakarta in papercraft. Now i would like to introduce you, one of geophysics instrument called gravitimeter on papercraft.
This instrument used to measure the gravity pull. Gravitimeter does not record the absolute value of the pull of gravity, but measures spatial differences in the gravity pull. Gravity prospecting (wich use gravitimeter) involves measurements of variations in gravitational field of the earth. People hope to locate local masses of greater or lesser density than the surrounding formations and learn something about them from the irregularities in earth's field. Surface observations are normally made, but underground surveys also carried out occasionally. It also used as a reconnaissance tool in oil exploration. It is considerably cheaper than seismic prospecting. It also provide constraint in seismic interpretation. In mineral exploration gravity prospecting usually has been employed as secondary methiod, altough it used to detailed follow up of magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies during integrated base-metal surveys. It also used in engginering and archeological studies (applied geophysics with some modifications)
There are a lot of types of gravitimeter, but i choose one of them which is used in my study called Lacoste & Romberg G-1118 Gravitimeter to be my papercraft project. If you want to know more about this gravitimeter visit
Http:// to download the manual.

3D image references
This model was designed for educational papercraft purposes, it means, it may be differ from original for some respect. This model has not been tested yet. So i would very thankfull if you are willing to be a test builder of this model. Lacoste and Romberg Gravitimeter papercraft has 1:1,7 scale, if yo want a 1:1 model, feel free to contact me. This model isnot a percfect one, advices, sources, and critics are opened.

Gravitimeter in act..

see instruction
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