Four Alien paper models depicting the unique / distinct stages of the Xenomorph life cycle.
We start with the Alien Egg (see pic above) which is laid by the Queen.
When a human host gets near the Alien Egg it unfolds its lobes and out comes the Facehugger - a creepy crawler that attaches itself to a host body's oral cavity.

The Facehugger then implants an Alien embryo down the host's digestive tract, it incubates for a little while and then boom! the Chestburster violently rips the host's chest so it can burst out. Not quite the big bad Alien when it comes out, but wait a few hours and it rapidly grows to a mature adult Alien.

During the incubation period the Alien embryo takes on some of the host's DNA, but what if the host isn't human? in Alien 3 (film) a dog gets impregnated by the Facehugger and the result is this - a Dog Alien (aka Runner Alien), still looking like a regular Alien but has taken on the quadruped characteristics of the dog/host.

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