Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Year of the Water Dragon Papercraft

2012 Year of the Water Dragon Papercraft

Happy New Year! to all from MoonCreate (Japan).

2012 Year of the Water Dragon Papercraft [Download]

2012 Year of the Dragon Papercraft [Related Posts]
Green Dragon Papercraft
2012 Year of the Dragon Paper Toy
Bahamut Papercraft
How To Train Your Dragon Papercraft

Toadsworth Papercraft

Toadsworth Papercraft

Toadsworth is the worrisome but caring elder Toad (aka Mushroom People) who serves as Princess Peach's personal steward.

Toadsworth Papercraft [Download]

SSBB Bowser Papercraft [Related Posts]
SSBB Mario Papercraft
SSBB Zero Suit Samus Papercraft
SSBB Solid Snake Box Papercraft
Samus SSBB Mites Papercraft

Dragon Ball Z - Turtle Papercraft

Dragon Ball Z Turtle Papercraft

Turtle is Master Roshi's companion and a long-time resident of the Kame House, he's the one responsible for keeping Roshi's perverted urges in line ^^.

Dragon Ball Z - Turtle Papercraft [Download]

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Dragon Ball Z Kai Papercraft - Goku & Vegeta
Elastic Powered Turtle Papercraft
Green Sea Turtle Papercraft

Skyrim - Dragonstone Papercraft

Skyrim Dragonstone Papercraft

The Dragonstone is a quest item from Skyrim that is part of the main story quests and can be retrieved from a Draugr Overlord in Bleack Falls Barrow.

Skyrim - Dragonstone Papercraft [Download]

Skyrim Papercraft - Azura's Star [Related Posts]
Oblivion - Glass Claymore Sword Papercraft
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Liberty Prime Mask Papercraft
Charisma Bobblehead Papercraft

Pokemon Magmortar Papercraft

Pokemon Magmortar Papercraft

Marmortar (aka Booburn) is a fire-type and Blast Pokemon that i the evolved form of Magmar.

Pokemon Magmortar Papercraft [Download]

Charmander Papercraft [Related Posts]
Dialga Papercraft
Pikachu Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Chatot Papercraft

Pokemon Glaceon Paper Model v2

Pokemon Glaceon Paper Model v2

Pokemon Glaceon Paper Model v2 [Download]

Pokemon Glaceon Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chimchar Papercraft
Chatot Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft

Pokemon Golem Papercraft

Pokemon Golem Papercraft

Golem (aka Golonya) is a rock-type and Megaton Pokemon that is the evolved form of Graveler.

Pokemon Golem Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Pokemon Cubchoo Paper Model v2

Pokemon Cubchoo Paper Model v2

Pokemon Cubchoo Paper Model v2 [Download]

Charmander Papercraft [Related Posts]
Dialga Papercraft
Pikachu Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Chatot Papercraft

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pokemon Accelgor Papercraft

Pokemon Accelgor Papercraft

Accelgor (aka Agilder) is a bug-type and Shell Out Pokemon that is the evolved form of Shelmet.

Pokemon Accelgor Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Pokemon Heat Rotom Papercraft

Pokemon Heat Rotom Papercraft

Rotom is an electric-type and Plasma Pokemon that doesn't have any evolutionary form, it can however possess certain appliances, this one is of the microwave oven.

Pokemon Heat Rotom Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Pokemon Cubchoo Papercraft

Pokemon Cubchoo Papercraft

Cubchoo (aka Kumasyun) is an ice-type and Chill Pokemon that is the pre-evolved form of Beartic.

Pokemon Cubchoo Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

2012 Year of the Dragon br Paper Toy

2012 Year of the Dragon br Paper Toy

2012 Year of the Dragon br Paper Toy [Download]

2012 Year of the Dragon Papercraft [Related Posts]
Green Dragon Papercraft
Gunbound Dragon Papercraft
Bahamut Papercraft
How To Train Your Dragon Papercraft

2012 Yakuza Ramen Shop Papercraft Calendar (January)

2012 Yakuza Ramen Shop Papercraft Calendar January

Having a successful run this year (2011,) Scout Creative has decided to continue their very popular Calendar of the Month Club papercraft series, 2012 opens up with a look into a notorious Japanese organized crime syndicate ^^ plus noodles.

2012 Yakuza Ramen Shop Papercraft Calendar (January) [Download]

Square Ninja Bunny Paper Toy [Related Posts]
Matchbox Ninja Papercraft
Siamese Ninja Papercraft
00 Ninja Paper Toy
Toonzai Ninja Papercraft

Naruto - Rock Lee Paper Model v2

Naruto Rock Lee Paper Model v2

Here's another Rock Lee paper model for the Naruto fans out there, this one was created by Jeison Pena Dos Santos @ Paper Art blog.

Naruto - Rock Lee Paper Model v2 [Download]

Kakashi ANBU Mask Papercraft [Related Posts]
Naruto - Sage Mode Jiraiya Papercraft
Naruto Paper Toy
Naruto - Gaara's Sand Gourd Papercraft Toy
Naruto Uzumaki Papercraft Bust  

Alien vs Predator Papercraft - Dark Bio Mask

Dark Bio Mask Papercraft

The Bio Mask worn by Dark (Predator) from the Aliens vs Predator video game, its design is exactly the same as the one used by Scar in the Alien vs. Predator film minus the "scar" embellishment.

Alien vs Predator Papercraft - Dark Bio Mask [Download]

Predator Papercraft [Related Posts]
Alien Papercraft Overload (Life Cycle)
ALIENS Papercraft
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Unreal Tournament Damarus Papercraft

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 Dino Calendar Papercraft - Stegosaurus

2012 Dino Calendar Papercraft Stegosaurus

2012 Dino Calendar Papercraft - Stegosaurus [Download]

Build A Robot 2012 Papercraft Calendar
[Related Posts]
2012 Accordion Calendar Papercraft
2012 Santa Claus Calendar Paper Toy
Little Green Beetle Paper Toy / 2012 Calendar
Dinosaur Papercraft

Saint Seiya - Aries Shion Papercraft (Cloaked)

Aries Shion Papercraft

Saint Seiya - Aries Shion Papercraft (Cloaked) [Download]

Virgo Armor Papercraft [Related Posts]
Gemini Armor Statue Papercraft
Catgirl Papercraft
Chibi Anime Papercraft
Kitaro's Papercraft House

Pokemon Manaphy Papercraft

Pokemon Manaphy papercraft

Manaphy is a legendary water-type and Seafaring Pokemon that doesn't have any evolutionary form, it's a blue blob-like creature with two long antennae atop its head.

Pokemon Manaphy Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Gupp-E Robot Paper Toy

GuppE Robot Paper Toy

Always the innovator, Josh Buczynski has teamed up with Alexander Gwynne to create "POPLOCK" - a glueless way to connect two or more paper parts and still allow for greater movement and interchangeability.

The first to use POPLOCK tech is the Gupp-E robot paper toy series, for now they're only available at Josh's Big Cartel Store but will soon have a free available template that you can experiment with.

Gupp-E Robot Paper Toy [Buy]

Gundam F90 Papercraft [Related Posts]
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Little Green Beetle Paper Toy / 2012 Calendar

Little Green Beetle Paper Toy 2012 Calendar

Cute 2012 calendar and paper toy from Dadik Triadi and Sundea Salamatahari.

Little Green Beetle Paper Toy / 2012 Calendar [Download]

Realistic Beetle Papercraft [Related Posts]
Beetle Buggy Papercraft
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Rock Beetles Papercraft

Posca Papertoyz Design Contest

Posca Papertoyz Design Contest

3-way collab between TOUGUI, Posca (maker of all-material markers), and urban vinyl figures store, Artoyz.

Posca Papertoyz Design Contest [Download/Join]

NPT Paper Toy [Related Posts]
My Billy Sweet Monster Paper Toy
Goathika Paper Toy
Thorndyke Monster Papercraft
Official Monsters vs. Aliens Papercraft

Skyrim - Konahrik Papercraft (Dragon Priest Mask)

Skyrim Konahrik Papercraft

Konahrik is the 9th Dragon Priests Mask that can only be unlocked after you've collected the previous 8 from each of the unique Dragon Priests scattered throughout Skyrim.

Skyrim - Konahrik Papercraft [Download]

Skyrim Papercraft - Azura's Star [Related Posts]
Oblivion - Glass Claymore Sword Papercraft
Oblivion - Mysterium Xarxes Papercraft
Liberty Prime Mask Papercraft
Charisma Bobblehead Papercraft

Pokemon Basculin Papercraft

Pokemon Basculin Papercraft

Basculin (aka Bassrao) is a water-type and Hostile Pokemon that does not have any evolutionary form, it looks like a regular fish.

Pokemon Basculin Papercraft [Download]

Wind Fish Papercraft [Related Posts]
Tower Fish Papercraft
Fugu Fish Papercraft
Finding Nemo - Bruce Papercraft
Whale Shark Papercraft

Monday, December 26, 2011

IKEA RIBBA x Super Mario Bros. 3 Papercraft

IKEA RIBBA x Super Mario Bros. 3 Papercraft

Very geeky ^^ idea from Dave Delisle, pairing Ikea's popular RIBBA frame with some Super Mario paper craft.

IKEA RIBBA x Super Mario Bros. 3 Papercraft [Download]

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Cloud Mario Papercraft [Related Posts]
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SpookyTroyer Clown Phobia Destroyer Paper Toy

Spooky Clown Paper Toy

SpookyTroyer Clown Phobia Destroyer Paper Toy [Download]

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Burlabox Paper Toy
Circus Clown Papercrafts - Unicycle Play

Pokemon Manectric Papercraft

Pokemon Manectric Papercraft

Manectric (aka Livolt) is an electric-type and Discharge Pokemon that is the evolved form of Electrike.

Pokemon Manectric Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Kyoko-chan Papercraft

Kyoko-chan Papercraft

Original character / template design from Japanese crafter S.V., inspired by the girls from his favorite game series / anime - Idolmaster.

Kyoko-chan Papercraft [Download]

Fate Stay Night - Saber Papercraft [Related Posts]
Honey and Clover Papercraft
Manga Papercraft - Chi's Sweet Home
Doraemon Papercraft
Toradora - Tenori Tiger Papercraft

Pokemon Rhyperior Papercraft

Pokemon Rhyperior Papercraft

Rhyperior (aka Dosidon) is a Rock-type and Drill Pokemon that is the evolved form of Rhydon, it pretty much has the same look as its previous form but is stouter and has more armor plating and horns.

Pokemon Rhyperior Papercraft [Download]

Poochyena Papercraft [Related Posts]
Chatot Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land - Tanooki Mario Papercraft

Tanooki Mario Papercraft

Super Mario 3D Land - Tanooki Mario Papercraft [Download]

Super Mario Galaxy - Cloud Mario Papercraft [Related Posts]
SSB Giga Bowser Papercraft
SSBB Bowser Papercraft
Bowser Key Papercraft
Super Mario - Bowser Papercraft 

Jesus vs Santa Paper Toy (Christmas Hoppers)

Jesus vs Santa Paper Toy Christmas Hoppers
It's a race to decide the true meaning of Christmas, only you can settle the score between these two world class rivals, so hop to it! -Stukuls

Jesus vs Santa Paper Toy (Christmas Hoppers) [Download]

Santa Claus Papercraft Advent Calendar [Related Posts]
Elf Helper Papercraft
Santa's Elves Papercraft
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
Very Merry 2010 Christmas Papercraft Set

The Night Before Christmas Santa Paper Toy

The Night Before Christmas Santa Paper Toy

Skinny Santa paper toy from Dutch designer Sephen de Vos.

The Night Before Christmas Paper Toy [Download]

Santa Claus Papercraft Advent Calendar [Related Posts]
Elf Helper Papercraft
Santa's Elves Papercraft
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
Very Merry 2010 Christmas Papercraft Set

PawPals Christmas Paper Toy

PawPals Christmas Paper Toy

Here's the new update on JustUs Product's PawPals paper toy to celebrate this festive season.

PawPals Christmas Paper Toy [Download]

Santa Claus Papercraft Advent Calendar [Related Posts]
Elf Helper Papercraft
Santa's Elves Papercraft
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
Very Merry 2010 Christmas Papercraft Set

Fate Stay Night - Chibi Saber Papercraft

Fate Stay Night Chibi Saber Papercraft

Fate Stay Night - Chibi Saber Papercraft [Download]

Fate Stay Night - Saber Papercraft [Related Posts]
Honey and Clover Papercraft
Manga Papercraft - Chi's Sweet Home
Doraemon Papercraft
Toradora - Tenori Tiger Papercraft

Chibi Staryu / Abomasnow Papercraft (Pokemon)

Chibi Abomasnow Papercraft

Chibi Staryu Papercraft

Chibi Staryu Papercraft [Download]
Chibi Abomasnow Papercraft

Pokemon - Dialga Papercraft [Related Posts]
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Chatot Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Pokemon Clefairy Papercraft

Pokemon Clefairy Papercraft

Clefairy (aka Pippi) is a normal-type and Fairy Pokemon that is the evolved form of Cleffa.

Pokemon Clefairy Papercraft [Download]

Pokemon Munchlax Papercraft [Related Posts]
Pikachu Papercraft
Meowth Balloon Papercraft
Dialga Papercraft
Charmander Papercraft

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pokemon Torterra Papercraft v2

Pokemon Torterra Papercraft v2

Pokemon Torterra Papercraft v2 [Download]

Green Sea Turtle Papercraft [Related Posts]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Papercraft
Chimchar Papercraft
Chatot Papercraft
Pikachu Papercraft

Santa Claus Papercraft Standee

Santa Claus Papercraft Standee

Santa double-checking his "good" list before handing over the "naughty" ones to Krampus, papercraft created by Rainey Doodles.

Santa Claus Papercraft Standee [Download]

Santa Claus Papercraft Advent Calendar [Related Posts]
Elf Helper Papercraft
Santa's Elves Papercraft
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
Very Merry 2010 Christmas Papercraft Set

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Hook Beetle Papercraft

Hook Beetle Papercraft

The Hook Beetle is an item from Skyward Sword that can be found in the Bazaar, it's used to hit faraway objects as well as to picking up bombs, hearts, rupees and other treasures.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Hook Beetle Papercraft [Download]

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Link Papercraft [Related Posts]
Twilight Princess Link Papercraft
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Mario Super Sluggers - Baby Peach Papercraft

Mario Super Sluggers Baby Peach Papercraft

Baby Peach as she appears in Mario Super Sluggers, an infant version with a pink pacifier.

Mario Super Sluggers - Baby Peach Papercraft [Download]

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League of Legends - Kennen Shuriken Papercraft

League of Legends Kennen Shuriken Papercraft

League of Legends - Kennen Shuriken Papercraft [Download]

World of Warcraft Papercraft [Related Posts]
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Naruto - Rock Lee Papercraft

Naruto Rock Lee Papercraft

Rock Lee is the young shinobi known for his mastery of the Taijutsu technique, he constantly wears leg weights to further enhance his strength/speed.

Naruto - Rock Lee Papercraft [Download]

Kakashi ANBU Mask Papercraft [Related Posts]
Naruto - Sage Mode Jiraiya Papercraft
Naruto Paper Toy
Naruto - Gaara's Sand Gourd Papercraft Toy
Naruto Uzumaki Papercraft Bust 

A Very Merry HP Christmas Papercraft Set

Very Merry HP Christmas Papercraft Set

Feliz Natal! from the creative folks at HP Brazil.

A Very Merry HP Christmas Papercraft Set [Download]

Dancing Santa Claus Papercraft [Related Posts]
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
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Happy Christmas Tree Papercraft

Steampunk Santa Claus Papercraft

Steampunk Santa Claus Papercraft

Merry Christmas from Desktop Gremlins, here's your gift - a new steamy twist on an old folkloric icon.

Steampunk Santa Claus Papercraft [Download]

Dancing Santa Claus Papercraft [Related Posts]
2010 Santa Claus Papercraft and Reindeer Set
2010 Mini Christmas Tree Papercrafts and Christmas String Decorations
2010 Christmas Tree Ornament Papercrafts
Happy Christmas Tree Papercraft  

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